- Who headed the procession? 谁走在游行队伍的最前头?
- The King's carriage headed the procession. 国王的马车走在队伍前列。
- Who head the group is still open to question. 谁领导这个组还要讨论。
- "I would never say that," said Professor Philip Hannaford, who headed the study, cautiously. 领导了这项研究的菲利普.;汉拿福尔德教授审慎地说:“我绝对不会那样说。”
- "THERE SEEMS to be something in the air that can harm developing fetuses," Beate Ritz, an epidemiologist who headed the study, said in a statement. 领导这项研究的流行病学家Beate ritz在一次声明中说:"空气中似乎有某种东西会伤害正在发育的胎儿。"
- "The first time, Dr. Wool's response was, 'Recheck,'" said Chang Kook Hong, 34, the postdoctoral research associate who headed the research. 主持这项研究的34岁博士后研究助理张国鸿(音译)说:"第一次试验完成后,沃尔博士的反应是'再检测一遍'.
- He also tended toward outspokenness, and it soon undid him.After scorning the scientific work of the colonel who headed the institute, Mr. 在研究所里获得的相对自由,让这三位每晚都可以见面并继续他们知识分子的讨论和辩论。
- The Republican who heads the executive is wildly unpopular. 执掌行政的共和党魁在很大范围内不受欢迎。
- A car headed the procession. 一辆汽车为游行队伍开路。
- Kevin Ryan, chief federal prosecutor for the state's Northern District, and Carol Lam, who headed the state's Southern District, both announced Tuesday they would be leaving. 加州北区首席联邦检察官凯文·瑞恩和南区首席联邦检察官卡罗尔·兰姆于周二双双宣布即将离开。
- After scorning the scientific work of the colonel who headed the institute, Mr.Solzhenitsyn was banished to a desolate penal camp in Kazakhstan called Ekibastuz. 在嘲笑领导研究院科学工作的上校后,他被发配到卡萨克斯坦一座名为艾基巴斯图茨的荒凉集中营。
- But Dr.Jeffrey Runge, who headed the agency at that time, decided not to publish the data because of larger political considerations, the Times article alleges. 但是,当时安全局的负责人,杰弗里龙.;朗格博士决定不发表这些数据,因为考虑到较大的政治因素,泰晤士报报道。
- Mr Kirchner, who heads the Peronist movement, has resorted to artifice. 作为庇隆运动阵线的领导人,基什内尔也耍了一些技巧。
- The procession passed along the street. 游行队伍沿着街道前进。
- Who headed the department? 谁主管着这个部门?
- There was a bomb scare during the procession. 在列队行进时因怀疑有炸弹而引起恐慌。
- In my native county of Hsiangtan, Tang Chun-yen and Lo Shu-lin who headed the defence corps in the town of Yintien have killed more than fifty people and buried four alive in the fourteen years since 1913. 我的家乡湘潭县银田镇团防局长汤峻岩、罗叔林二人,民国二年以来十四年间,杀人五十多,活埋四人。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- In my native county of Hsiangtan,Tang Chun-yen and Lo Shu-lin who headed the defence corps in the town of Yintien have killed more than fifty people and buried four alive in the fourteen years since 1913. 我的家乡湘潭县银田镇团防局长汤峻岩、罗叔林二人,民国二年以来十四年间,杀人五十多,活埋四人。
- Stand back to allow the procession to pass. 往后站,让队伍通过。